Please contact us if you have any questions about the services we provide, or if you have been asked to contact a consulting arborist, but need more clarification...
The following section provides guidance for the more common asked tree questions.
"Do I need a Tree Permit?"
This depends on the Municipality in which you reside. Some Municipalities do not have a tree bylaw or policy in place, but most do. Check with your Municipality for their "Tree Bylaw" information.
"What are Tree Permits for?"
Depending on the Municipality, tree permits can be required for removing trees, pruning trees, topping trees, excavating around trees, managing trees for building or plumbing permits etc.
"Is my tree protected under the tree Bylaw?"
Always check the tree bylaw for your Municipality for what is considered a "bylaw protected tree". First determine whose land it is on, then measure the DBH (trunk) and identify the tree species. Protected trees may have different designations, species and sizes.
"How can I tell the tree is mine?"
A survey should always be able to confirm the property where the tree
is planted. Original house plans and Municipalities GIS maps can help.
"What happens if I don't follow the Tree Bylaw?"
Depends on what that Municipalities states in its tree bylaw.
You may be issued a verbal or written warning if you are violating the tree bylaw. More severe situations may lead to fines (MTI's) being issued or going to court to face charges. Projects may also be put on hold until the tree bylaw infraction is resolved.
"Does my dead tree need a tree permit to remove it?"
Check with the Municipalities Tree Bylaw first, as you may be able to take the tree down if it's deemed to be hazardous, but typically the tree must stay on the ground until inspected by the Municipality.
You may be required to get a tree permit and plant a replacement tree.
"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky" - Kahlil Gilbran