With over 15 years of experience in every aspect of arboriculture

Arborist Report Writing
Our reports communicate in a way that's clear, precise and professional which can be easily reviewed by Municipalities and meet all their requirements for your project.
Municipalities can require arborist reports for all types of tree related situations. We have tried, tested and approved report templates that help get projects accepted.
Arborist Supervision
Having arborist supervision isn't just a requirement, it's providing a piece of mind that the work was observed and signed off by one of ISA and TRAQ certified arborists.
We also don't provide just the arborist supervision. We provide the insight, education and aftercare to ensure longevity of your trees and property assets.
Tree Assessment and Tree Work
Our associated tree services can provide whatever tree work is required for your property, and we provide the scope of work to them so that only what the tree actually needs is done.
We work with approved, trusted, certified and insured associate tree companies to provide every tree service possible that you's require for your property or project.
Arborist Consulting Services
We provide a full range of tree consulting services and arborist reports that range from,
multi-lot subdivisions and developments, to everything involved with single family properties.
This includes arborist reports for garden suites, accessory buildings and tree removal permits.
Contact us today if you have any questions, or need help with your project or development
Paul Sturgeon, Victoria BC
“Greenwood tree consulting wrote a tree report for us to remove a plum, which got approved by the City of Victoria. Very helpful
and professional "
Brogden Brown Townhouse
"Greenwood has been our project arborist for many years.
Excellent and clearly written reports"
“Quick to reply, professional and knowledgeable when it came to our BC Housing Projects and tree related conflicts”
"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn" - Ralph Waldo Emerson